Current North Sea Weather

Have a look at the weather forecast
Friday, 07.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
partly cloudysnow driftssnow driftscloudy
conditionpartly cloudysnow driftssnow driftscloudy
temperature2 °C3 °C3 °C2 °C
chance of rain0 %100 %69 %77 %
wind speed33 km/h31 km/h35 km/h34 km/h
wind directionEastEastEastEast
Saturday, 08.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
partly cloudypartly cloudypartly cloudycloudy
conditionpartly cloudypartly cloudypartly cloudycloudy
temperature0 °C2 °C4 °C2 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed31 km/h27 km/h22 km/h21 km/h
wind directionEastSouth/EastEastEast
Sunday, 09.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnysunnysunnyoccasional rain
conditionsunnysunnysunnyoccasional rain
temperature1 °C3 °C4 °C1 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed20 km/h19 km/h16 km/h21 km/h
wind directionEastEastEastEast
Monday, 10.02.2025in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
temperature1 °C4 °C4 °C2 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed30 km/h33 km/h40 km/h42 km/h
wind directionEastEastEastEast